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In this episode of The Lifecentral Podcast, Debs sits down with Karina, Ethan and Andy in the third part of our series “Weird things that Christians do”. This final part focusses on Hearing from God and Serving others. We discuss how God is not only in the big occasions but the small ones too, some of the ways God has spoken to us and the tools we can utilise to ‘tune in’ to what God might be saying. We also look at what it means to be servant-hearted and the things that happen within us when we serve others.

Whether you’ve been a Christian for 5 minutes or 50 years there is something in this series for everyone… you don’t want to miss it.


Meet our guests: 

Karina: My name is Karina, married to Henrik. I am Chinese, born in French Guiana (South America), lived in Miami for 23 years before moving to the UK when I joined OM (Operation Mobilisation) 10 years ago. I can speak 7 languages, but am only fluent in 3 of them.  


Ethan: My name is Ethan, I am a film student and in love with creating/capturing stories through film to shine a light on those whose lives are worth telling. And I love solving Rubix Cubes!


Why does more never seem to be enough? The problem is not the stuff, the holiday or the hobby... but our appetite.

—Speaker: Gareth Blount

Why is change so hard? Why is anything worth having hard? At what point do we start believing the lies that tell us we can’t change?

- Speaker: Jayne Sargeant

When it comes to faith, everybody doubts —even atheists doubt! But if you remove doubt or uncertainty, there is no need for faith and trust - then what do you have? We need to realise that doubt can be a door into greater faith.

Speaker: Leon Evans

What view do you have of Jesus today? Some have no frame of reference —He's just a myth, a fairy tale, a legend or a good man. For some Jesus is a childhood reference, for others He represents a bad experience of church —boring, dull and irrelevant. For many of us though - we believe that Jesus is alive! For many of you this may seem unbelievable, but we believe it's "unbelievably believable!"

Speaker: Leon Evans

Ever Wonder Why People Get Baptised? People get baptised because they want to obey and follow Jesus —but also want to declare publicly what’s happened to them on the inside —what's inside moves to the outside!

Speaker: Leon Evans

When you think about it, gathering in a building to all sing songs shown up on the screen is a little like karaoke. Then we all get given a little snack and we’re told it’s Jesus’ body and blood (urgh!). Join us for episode 2 of weird things that Christians do as we unpack what worship is all about and try to explain in an easy-to-understand way what communion is. This week’s contributors are Stuart Blount, Dan Murphy and Bola Olagoke, hosted by Debs Brennan.

“The only person that could help was Jesus.”

We sat down with Lauren Jeon to hear her amazing story of how Jesus met her in the midst of severe sleep paralysis.

What makes us feel like something is meaningful? What gives something meaning and purpose? When do we feel like what we are doing matters? Purpose is much less about the 'what' and much more about the 'why'. Today, God doesn’t want you just to live a life of survival or even a life of success —but a life of purpose, a life of significance.

Speaker: Jayne Sargeant

Family is complicated and unique, but as different as our families and our family situations are, there is something that is true for everyone, even if you have no belief in God at all.

Speaker: Laura Hancock

‘God is good (all the time) and all the time (God is good)’ - Ever doubted that? There is so much evil, suffering and pain in the world… Children, wars, famine, disasters; then the really big things - pot holes, middle lane drivers, roadworks, no WIFI! It's funny how many don’t believe there is a God, but when asked why, they say it's because of all the evil, suffering and pain in the world; blaming the one they say doesn’t exist! This question puts us all on the same page, and for many, more than theory.

Speaker: Leon Evans

We can all agree that our world is full of problems. Sometimes a problem can be solved really easily... for instance, a leak in the bathroom - You find the leak, fix it, problem solved. Problems are binary - but our world isn’t. We think our world is full of problems, but it’s actually full of tensions.

Speaker: Andy Hancock

In this episode of The Lifecentral Podcast, Debs has a chat with Steve, Sarah-Jane and Leon, in the first of a new series entitled “Weird things that Christians do”. Focussing on Fasting and Baptism, they look at the ‘why’ behind these activities, share their personal experiences and encourage us, if we never have, to jump feet-first into these spiritual disciplines. Whether you’ve been a Christian for 5 minutes or 50 years there is something in this series for everyone… you don’t want to miss it.


Books mentioned in this episode:

“The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John-Mark Comer

“The Practise of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence


Anyone ever come to you and said, “You want the good news or the bad news?” We know how it feels to get good and bad news. Only the bad news and fake news seem to hit the headlines - with occasional good news. We want tell you about a man who had such good news he traveled an 'un-traveleable' distance just to tell us about it.

Speaker: Mark Greenwood

What do you see when you think about Jesus? What is the picture in your imagination? When we talk about SEEING JESUS is this what we mean? Seeing Jesus is not seeing what He looks like, but it's seeing who He is. For that, we need faith.

Speaker: Stuart Blount

Momentum is a moving force that overcomes resistance. Thoughts have momentum, behaviours have momentum, relationships have momentum. Sometimes everything seems to be working great and life is on a roll. Sometimes nothing seems to be working —it never rains but it pours! = MOMENTUM. Which elements of momentum is God most drawn to?

Speaker: Leon Evans

What are the signs of striving, then also the markers of a life-lived gracefully?

Speaker: Cathy Madavan

"If only I had more time..." —Ever said that? Could we watch more box sets? We binge! That dopamine hit gives us a high for a time but let’s be honest, how many of us really, truthfully could say we feel more rested, energised, peaceful or optimistic?!! Then there’s life... "How are you doing?" Response... "busy". You and I have time for what we choose to have time for. The choice we often have before us is to choose the Important over the Urgent.

I CHOOSE - Week 4: 'Important over the Urgent' with Speaker, Leon Evans.

Why is it so difficult for us to trust these days? We want control, but the more we control the more we’re afraid of losing control, and the more we’re afraid, the more we try to control - a cycle of fear! What do we need to surrender today to make a better choice tomorrow?

'I Choose - Surrender over Control' with speaker, Leon Evans.

In this episode of the Lifecentral Podcast, I sit down with our Lead Pastors Leon and Allison Evans as we discuss the topic ‘Changes and choices: Making godly decisions in a chaotic world’. We look at societal changes, the effects they can have on us and the intentionality with which we should make all of our decisions. Ultimately we explore how we can still make Godly decisions despite the chaos that may surround us.

Imagine a world where everyone likes you (nay LOVES you!) ... People approve everything you do, applaud everything you say and do —it’s not possible right? And yet we live like it could be?! We post our best side and hide the worst , we scroll for the likes and the comments, we live for the applause of many when life should be lived for the applause of one.

I CHOOSE - Week 2: Purpose Over Popularity with Speaker, Leon Evans.

It’s been said we are often the result of our decisions. Every day we are faced a barrage of choices and decisions from what to wear, what to think, where to go and who to trust. At the start of another year it’s the perfect time to review the bigger decisions of life and explore what God has to say about those bigger choices. Choose Discipline over Regret.

Speaker: Reed Moore (Lead Pastor, Gwinnett Church, Atlanta, USA).